# Simple Guide (By Usage)

# Motion Capture Usage (Hand Tracking)

  • If you are using only the hand tracking feature, additional module purchases are not usually required.

# Integration with mocopi

# Use of Button and Joystick (VR Controller) Input


  • Additional module purchase is required when using button and joystick input as a controller, such as for VR controller usage.

# Compatibility with LightHouse Tracking System

  • To obtain the position of the ContactGlove main body, it is necessary to use the following two devices compatible with the LightHouse tracking system.
  • If you do not have the following devices, please purchase them separately.
    • SteamVR Base Station 2.0 (1.0)
    • Compatible Trackers x2 (Tundra Tracker, VIVE Tracker (3.0), VIVE Tracker 2018, etc.)
  • For setup instructions, please refer here (opens new window).

  • Adapters to mount compatible trackers on the main body are included with ContactGlove rev.2 (opens new window).
  • The above two devices are third-party products, so please check the product pages of various devices and compatible HMDs before use.


When using with LightHouse incompatible HMDs (such as Quest2)


# Compatibility with Non-LightHouse Environment using Quest2

  • Instead of compatible trackers, the position of ContactGlove is obtained using the Quest2 controller.
  • Purchase the adapter to mount the Quest2 controller on the ContactGlove main body separately from here (opens new window).
  • For setup instructions, please refer here (opens new window).