# DivingStationProtocol (v1)

# Supported Software

  • DivingStation v1.5.6 or later

# How to Use

DivingStationProtocol uses OSC (Open Sound Control) for communication. Select the OSC library that suits your desired language or environment.

First, ensure that DivingStation is running and that the device is connected.

Next, connect to DivingStation. Send the following connection request protocol to DivingStation (Port number: 25790).

  • Example: If the client's receiving port number is 25788
/DS/HC/Connect 25788

(/DS/HC/Connect represents the OSC address, and 25788 represents the argument.)

Upon successful connection, various data will be transmitted from DivingStation to port 25788.

When ending the communication, a disconnect request protocol will be sent.

/DS/HC/Disconnect 25788

If the disconnection is successful, data reception from DivingStation will stop.

From SDK version 1.1.0 for Unity onwards, it is implemented using the DivingStationProtocol. Please refer to this when implementing.

# Configuration

Each protocol included in DivingStationProtocol consists of a combination of OSC addresses and arguments.

The type of protocol is identified by the address.

Arguments are pairs of values of type float, int, or string. Fields starting with is_ take values of 0 (=False) or 1 (=True), representing boolean values.

# List of Protocols (Receiver Side)

# Device Information

This protocol retrieves information about all hand-tracking devices connected to DivingStation.

# Address


# Arguments

int version, (string id, int is_main, int device_type, string name, int color, float ping, int is_left_connected, int left_battery, float left_ping, int is_right_connected, int right_battery, float right_ping)*

* indicates that the previous set can repeat 0 or more times.

The argument length is 1 + 12n (where n is the number of connected devices).

Description of Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
version int Protocol version (=1)
id string Device ID
is_main int Whether it is the main device
device_type int Type of device
name string Device name
color int Device LED color
ping float Communication delay with the dongle
is_left_connected int Whether the left-hand device is connected
left_battery int Left-hand device battery level
left_ping float Communication delay with the left-hand device
is_right_connected int Whether the right-hand device is connected
right_battery int Right-hand device battery level
right_ping float Communication delay with the right-hand device

The main device refers to the device used in systems like SteamVR.

The values of device_type and corresponding device types are as follows:

device_type Device Type
0 ContactGlove
1 ContactSheet
2 ContactGlove2

The values of color and corresponding colors are as follows:

color Color
0 Magenta
1 Red
2 Orange
3 Yellow
4 Green
5 Cyan
6 Blue
7 Achromatic

# Finger Bending and Tilt Values

This protocol retrieves the bending and tilt values of the fingers of the hand-tracking device.

# Address


# Arguments

int version, string id, int is_left, float thumb_cmc, float thumb_mcp, float thumb_ip, float thumb_tilt, float index_mcp, float index_pip, float index_dip, float index_tilt, ...

The argument length is 23.

Description of Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
version int Protocol version (=1)
id string Device ID
is_left int Whether it is the left hand or right hand
thumb_cmc float Bending value of the thumb's CMC joint
thumb_mcp float Bending value of the thumb's MCP joint
thumb_ip float Bending value of the thumb's IP joint
thumb_tilt float Tilt of the thumb
{finger_name}_mcp float Bending value of {finger_name}'s MCP joint
{finger_name}_pip float Bending value of {finger_name}'s PIP joint
{finger_name}_dip float Bending value of {finger_name}'s DIP joint
{finger_name}_tilt float Tilt of {finger_name}

The joints are arranged in the order MCP, PIP, DIP from the base to the tip of the finger (for the thumb, CMC, MCP, IP).

The fingers are arranged in the order: thumb (thumb), index (index), middle (middle), ring (ring), little (little).

The bending values range from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 represents the straight state, and 1.0 represents the bent state. Tilt is represented as the angle from the default state of 0°.

# Quaternion of Each Joint

This protocol retrieves the quaternion of each joint of the hand-tracking device.

# Address


# Arguments

int version, string id, int is_left, float thumb_cmc_w, float thumb_cmc_x, float thumb_cmc_y, float thumb_cmc_z, ..., float index_mcp_w, ...

The argument length is 63.

Description of Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
version int Protocol version (=1)
id string Device ID
is_left int Whether it is the left hand or right hand
{finger_name}_{joint_name}_w float Quaternion w component of {finger_name}'s {joint_name}
{finger_name}_{joint_name}_x float Quaternion x component of {finger_name}'s {joint_name}
{finger_name}_{joint_name}_y float Quaternion y component of {finger_name}'s {joint_name}
{finger_name}_{joint_name}_z float Quaternion z component of {finger_name}'s {joint_name}

The fingers are arranged in the order: thumb (thumb), index (index), middle (middle), ring (ring), little (little).

The joints are ordered as follows: for the thumb, cmc (base), mcp (center), ip (tip); for the other fingers, mcp (base), pip (center), dip (tip).

# Wrist Rotation

This protocol retrieves the wrist rotation of the hand-tracking device.

# Address


# Arguments

int version, string id, int is_left, float w, float x, float y, float z

The argument length is 7.

Description of Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
version int Protocol version (=1)
id string Device ID
is_left int Whether it is the left hand or right hand
w float Quaternion w component
x float Quaternion x component
y float Quaternion y component
z float Quaternion z component

# Controller Input

This protocol retrieves the input information of the controller.

# Address


# Arguments

int version, string id, int is_left, int a, int b, int sys, int trigger_button, int joystick_button, int trackpad_button, float trigger, float grip_value, float grip_force, float joystick_x, float joystick_y, float trackpad_x, float trackpad_y

The argument length is 16.

Description of Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
version int Protocol version (=1)
id string Device ID
is_left int Whether it is the left hand or right hand
a int State of the A button
b int State of the B button
sys int State of the system button
trigger_button int State of the trigger button
joystick_button int State of the joystick button
trackpad_button int State of the trackpad touch
trigger float Value of the trigger
grip_value float Value of the grip
grip_force float Strength of the grip
joystick_x float X-axis value of the joystick
joystick_y float Y-axis value of the joystick
trackpad_x float X-axis value of the trackpad
trackpad_y float Y-axis value of the trackpad

The values for button press states are as follows:

Value Description
0 Button not pressed
1 Button touched
2 Button pressed

# List of Protocols (Sender Side)

# Connection Request

This protocol sends a request to connect to DivingStation.

About Ports

The client’s receiving port number can be freely set using this protocol.

Please note that the DivingStation’s receiving port (25790) cannot be changed.

# Address


# Arguments

int port_recv

The argument length is 1.

Description of Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
port_recv int Receiving port number

# Disconnection Request

This protocol sends a request to disconnect from DivingStation.

# Address


# Arguments

int port_recv

The argument length is 1.

Description of Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
port_recv int Receiving port number

# Vibration

This protocol generates vibration for devices with a vibration module.

# Address


Specify the device ID in {id}. The device ID can be obtained through the device information protocol.

# Arguments

int version, int is_left, float frequency, float amplitude, float duration

The argument length is 5.

Description of Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
version int Protocol version (=1)
is_left int Whether it is the left hand or right hand
frequency float Vibration frequency
amplitude float Vibration amplitude
duration float Duration of vibration (in seconds)

amplitude is specified in the range 0.0 to 1.0.