# ContactGloveOSC Manual Setup

The procedure flow is as shown in the following diagram.


# [ 1-1 ] Rename Gesture/FX Controller Parameters

  1. Import the Unity package into your project.
  2. In the Unity window tab, you will see an item named "ContactGloveOSC".
  1. Select Parameter Rename Tool.
  1. The Parameter Rename Tool window will appear.
  1. Drag and drop the avatar from the Hierarchy to the Avatar field.
  1. Press the "Rename Parameters" button.


If successful, the status will display "Parameters ( for Gesture & FX ) renamed successfully!" message.

Successfully renamed Gesture/FX Controller parameters to ContactGlove-specific parameters! 🎉

About Hand Sign Animation

When performing a hand sign during OSC hand tracking

# [ 1-2 ] Setup Prefab Placement (Continue Hand Tracking)

  1. Open Assets/ContactGloveOSC/Prefabs.
  2. Select either the Full ver or Lite ver Prefab based on your needs and place it directly under the hierarchy of the avatar.
About Prefabs
  • Full ver: [ContactGloveOSC]AutoSet
    • Use this for detailed OSC hand tracking with synchronized parameters (177 bits).
  • Lite ver: [ContactGloveOSC]Lite_AutoSet
    • Use this for simplified OSC hand tracking with synchronized parameters (107 bits).
    • Thumb, index finger, and pinky finger bending/extension are represented as 0/1.

Your avatar is now equipped with gimmicks thanks to the Modular Avatar! 🎉
Proceed to [2] Avatar Upload and Gimmick Activation!

# [ 1-2A ] Setup Prefab Placement (Fixed Hand Sign)

  1. Open Packages/ContactGloveOSC/Runtime/Prefabs/HandSign[Experimental].
  2. Select either the Full ver or Lite ver Prefab based on your needs and place it directly under the hierarchy of the avatar.
About Prefabs
  • Full ver: [ContactGloveOSC]AutoSet_HandSign
    • Use this for detailed OSC hand tracking with synchronized parameters (177 bits).
  • Lite ver: [ContactGloveOSC]Lite_AutoSet_HandSign
    • Use this for simplified OSC hand tracking with synchronized parameters (107 bits).
    • Thumb, index finger, and pinky finger bending/extension are represented as 0/1.

# [ 1-2B ] Copy Hand Sign Animation Set on Avatar

  1. In the Unity window tab, select ContactGloveOSC > HandSign Copy Tool.
  1. The HandSign Copy Tool window will open.
  1. Drag and drop the avatar from the Hierarchy to the Avatar field.
  1. Once the avatar is dropped, a "Auto-set from Gesture Controller" button will appear in the top left of the HandSign Copy Tool window. Click it.
    • Animations will be automatically set for all fields.
    • The status will display that the set was successful.
  1. Press the "Copy Gesture Animations" button at the bottom of the window to copy the animation.
    • The status will display the names of the source and destination animations, and the completion of the copy.

Your avatar is now equipped with gimmicks thanks to the Modular Avatar! 🎉
Proceed to [2] Avatar Upload and Gimmick Activation!

# [ 2 ] Avatar Upload and Gimmick Activation

  1. Upload the avatar.

  2. Change into the avatar with modified gimmicks in VRChat.

  3. Open the Action Menu (Ring Menu) and perform the following:

    1. Make sure there is an item for Expressions > [CGOSC]Enable.
    2. Set Options > OSC > Toggle to "Disabled".
    3. Press "Reset Config" under Options > OSC.
    4. Set Options > OSC > Toggle to "Enabled".


      Always perform steps 2-4 when updating avatars with gimmicks, even if they are already set. The gimmicks may not work properly.

  4. Enable/Disable OSC Hand Tracking

    • Setting [CGOSC]Enable to ON enables hand tracking using ContactGlove's OSC.
    • Setting [CGOSC]Enable to OFF performs traditional hand tracking and hand signs configured for the avatar.
      • When [CGOSC]Enable is OFF, traditional usage is available with various controllers
        • Example:
        • ContactGlove (Index Emulation)
        • Index Controller
        • Other Controllers
    [ ContactGlove-OSC ]
    [ ContactGlove ( Index-Emulate ) ]
    [ Other-Controllers ]

    If you set it up with "ContactGloveOSC Lite ver"

    When [CGOSC]Enable: ON and performing hand signs, the hand shape will be fixed with the hand signs originally set on the avatar.

    Behavior in VRChat (Open-Beta) 2024.3.1 as of 2024/7/25

    • When [CGOSC]Enable: ON, it performs hand tracking using ContactGlove's OSC.
    • When [CGOSC]Enable: OFF, it performs finger joint bending using SteamVR skeletal hand tracking.

Hand tracking with ContactGloveOSC is now operational! 🎉

# [3] Gesture Toggle (OSC) Binding Configuration

To use the Gesture Toggle feature during ContactGlove-OSC hand tracking, you need to configure a custom Gesture Toggle binding (= Gesture Toggle (OSC)) for ContactGloveOSC in DivingStation.


  1. Open DivingStation.

  2. Click on Controllers (Tab) > Settings.


  3. Click on Button Bindings.


  4. Look for VRChat at the bottom of the popup window.


  5. Assign the button you usually use for GestureToggle in VRChat to the [OSC] Toggle Gesture Fix On/Off (= Gesture Toggle (OSC)) binding.

    Example: If the button assigned to GestureToggle in VRChat is A button,

    Binding Assigned Button
    VRChat GestureToggle A button
    ContactGlove Button Bindings A button Button (Down)
    ContactGlove VRChat Bindings Gesture Toggle (OSC) Button (Down)
  6. Change to the corresponding avatar in VRChat, turn on [CGOSC] Enable: ON, and press the assigned button.

    • Pressing the assigned button will toggle ContactGlove's vibration, enabling/disabling facial expressions.
    • If you do [1-2A] & [1-2B], you can also fix hand signs simultaneously.

GestureToggle now operates during OSC hand tracking with ContactGloveOSC! 🎉

Setup Complete!

Well done. The setup is now complete! 🎉

Let's move our fingers on the avatar! 👉